contoh percakapan bellboy dengan tamu dalam mengantar tamu ke kamar mejelaskan fasilitas kamar bahasa inggris dan terjemahan bahasa indonesia singkat

Sebagai petugas bellboy selalu dituntut agar dapat memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada para tamu. Pelayanan yang diberikan oleh bellboy di hotel meliputi, penaganan barang bawaan pada saat check-in, pindah kamar, maupun saat check-out.

Dalam penanganan itu memerlukan komunikasi yang efektif dan efisien sehingga mampu memberikan kepuasan optimal terhadap tamu yang menginap di hotel. Untuk ini berikut ini merupakan contoh percakapan  yang dilakukan bellboy ketika menangani tamu check-out.


Bellboy atau porter tentu perlu melakukan suatu komunikasi ketika melayani tamu. Dalam hal ini, bellboy perlu melakukan suatu dialog dengan tamu. Maka dari itu, berikut ini contoh percakapan bellboy atau porter dengan tamu.

B : Bellboy
G : Guest

Saat tamu baru tiba

B : Good Morning Madam/Sir. Welcome to Cultura Hotel. Mind your step please, madam/sir.
G : Thanks
: Do you have any luggage ?
: Yes, Thanks
B : Where is your luggage madam/sir ?
G : In the back please!
B : Wait a moment please, while I collect your luggage
G : Ok, thanks
B : Is this all of your luggage madam/sir ?
G : Yes. That’s right
B : Well, you have 3 pieces of luggage, there are 2 suitcases and 1 briefcase. Is that correct ?
G : Yes
B : Well. Would you like to come to our reception to complete your registration, while I collect your luggage to lobby.
G : Good thanks

Setelah selesai regitrasi, bellboy mengantarkan tamu ke kamarnya.

B : Well, are you ready to go to your room now madam/sir ?
G : Yes, I am ready
B : well, your room number is 201 on the second floor, this way follow me please
G : Yes, thanks

Dalam perjalanan, menjelaskan fasilitas hotel

B : Is this the first time come to Bali sir ?
G : Yes, this is my first time
B : Well, where are you from sir ?
G : I am from Australia
B : My I know your name sir ?
G : My name is beck, Robert beck
B : How about your filght mr. beck
G : Fine
B : I am happy to hear that… well sir, for your information in our hotel we have several restaurant, swimming pool, spa, and firness centre
B : That’s good
B : in our hotel we have 3 restaurants. The first one is Saraswati Restaurant. It’s open from 07.00 in the morning until 18.00 pm. That’s restaurant selves special for meal/foods that made from seafood. The second one is Widya Boga Restaurant. This restaurant is special for Balinies Food. Over there you can try the amazing taste of the local food. This restaurant open starting from 10.00 am until 20.00 pm. And the third one is Sang Hei Restaurant. In this restaurant you may try any kinds of Chinese food. It is open starting from 08.00 am until 22.00 pm.
G : Where is the location of location of Widya Boga Restaurant ?
B : The Widya Boga Restaurant in over there near the swimming pool
G : Oh I see
B : Well sir, in our hotel we have Balinese Spa Massage also. You can do relexing your body and your mind to complete your holiday in bali.
G : Good thanks. Excellence service

Saat tiba di kamar, menjelaskan fasilitas kamar

B : This is your room. May I borrow your key please ?
G : yes, this my key.
B : Well Mr. Beck. Would you like to me explain the room facilities ?
G : Yes, of course
B : The Light switch is here, and the remote control for the air conditioning (AC) is here..
G : How do you turn the AC down ? I am cold
B : This Is the switch to turn it on. And this is the temperature control. Turn it down to make the room colder, and turn it up to make it warmer
G : Sorry. Which way do you turn it ?
B : Turn it this way to turn the air conditioning up and this way turn it down
G : Good, that’s fine thanks
B : The Balcony is over there. You have a balcony with a nice view oh the pool, mountain,sea etc. this is mini bar. In the mini bar there are several drinks. Its’s 2 bottles of mineral water, and 2 bars of chocolate. If you want to consume one of them, don’t forget to write in the bill.
B : This is the IDD telephone call. If you want to make a call to your family in your country, you can do direct fron the room, with dial number IDD acces code + country code + area code, and the last one is your telephone number.
G : Thank You, sir
B : This is televition with local, national and international channel
G ; That’s good
B : And in the bathroom we have completed with special bathtub with hot and cold running water. The blue tap for cold water, and red tap for hot water. In the bathroom also we prepare, 3 kinds of towels. 2 pieces of body towels, 2 hand towels, and 2 face towels. And here is the amenities like shampoo, soap, toothbrush, shower cap, etc.
G : Thanks
B ; Do you have any questions ?
G : No, that is enough.
B : Well Mr. Beck, that is all about room fasilities,  if you need more information, just call to our reception to dial number 2.
G : Thanks, sure
B : Thanks for choosing or hotel, I hope you comfortable during stay in our hotel, have a nice day.

contoh percakapan bellboy dengan tamu dalam mengantar tamu ke kamar mejelaskan fasilitas kamar bahasa inggris dan terjemahan bahasa indonesia singkat

Langkah-langkah di atas penjelasan secara umum cara menangani barang bawaan tamu. Hal tersebut bisa saja merubah tergantung kondisi dan standar prosedur dari suatu hotel. Maka dari itu, penting bagi bellboy atau porter menguasai percakapan porter dengan tamu, baik dalam bahasa Inggris maupun dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Itulah tadi sedikit penjelasan tentang contoh percakapan bellboy dalam menangani barang bawaan tamu check-in. Jika ada sesuatu hal yang kurang jelas dari artikel ini, silahkan ditanyakan di kolom komentar. Terima kasih.